UPAN Monthly Meeting Please join us Monday, September 12th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain Time for our next UPAN monthly meeting. Special Guests Linda & Dave Donaldson will talk about their latest efforts at Fresh Start Ventures and REAL Transition program. We'll open up the last half hour of the conversation for open discussion on any topic participants would like to … [Read more...]
UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Film Screening UNTOUCHABLE
UPAN Monthly Meeting - Special Event Extended Time Screening of the documentary film UNTOUCHABLE, produced by David Fiege. When the most powerful lobbyist in Florida discovers that the nanny has sexually abused his daughter, he harnesses his extraordinary political power to pass the toughest sex offender laws in the nation. UNTOUCHABLE chronicles his crusade, and its impact on … [Read more...]
UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: UDC Re-Entry
UPAN Monthly Meeting The UDC Re-Entry Team will be presenting to UPAN on the Re-Entry program’s continued evolution. Free and open to the public. … [Read more...]
UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Overcoming Adversity and Impacting Positive Change in Our Prison Educational System with Guest Speaker Mark Hugentobler
UPAN Monthly Meeting Guest speaker Mark "Coach" Hugentobler is a well-esteemed educator having served as a high school teacher, basketball, and cross country coach for over 25 years. He recently retired in 2019 after cultivating an adult male inmate education program for 8 years as Principal of the Central Utah Academy (CUA) at the Central Utah Correctional Facility (CUCF) in … [Read more...]
UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family Meeting
UPAN Monthly Meeting After a six-month hiatus we're pleased to offer our first virtual monthly meeting format. TONIGHT's UPAN Monthly Meeting will be mainly focused on you: When: Monday, Sept 14, 2020 @ 6:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) What's your experience been like since COVID-19 started? How are your incarcerated loved ones doing? What are your top … [Read more...]