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Focus Meeting | Topics: TBA

Adult Probation and Parole Office 36 West Fremont Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

The Utah Department of Corrections invites interested community members to attend Focus, a discussion forum, at the Region 3 Adult Probation & Parole office in Salt Lake City. The office is located at 36 W. Fremont Avenue and the Focus meetings are held in the conference room to the right of the main entrance.

Discussion topics are pre-determined to ensure the most knowledgeable presenters are on hand. Past topics have included the Drug Offender Reform Act (DORA), a presentation by the Utah Board of Pardons & Parole, an overview of Adult Probation & Parole's Northern Utah office, and an introduction to new wardens.

More information: Contact Kaitlin Felsted, Public Information Officer, at kefelsted@utah.gov or 801-545-5536.


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family & Supporters Meeting

Kafeneio Coffee House 258 West 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

October's UPAN Meeting will be a private family meeting. We will not be broadcasting on Facebook Live. Come to share your experiences with other supporters of incarcerated persons, offer advice, or just listen if you like. These meetings are therapeutic in nature and offered in a safe environment. It also serves to give the UPAN organizers an opportunity to take the pulse of the community and come up with useful future meeting topics. Free and open to the public.


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family Meeting

Kafeneio Coffee House 258 West 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

UPAN Monthly Meeting Topic: Family Meeting. Free and open to the public.


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: LS/RNR by Greg Hendrix Deputy Director UDC Programming

Kafeneio Coffee House 258 West 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

UPAN Monthly Meeting Greg Hendrix LCSW and Deputy Director of the Utah Department of Corrections Programming and Angela Hendrix, a therapist for substance abuse will present Level of Services Inventory / Risk Needs Responsivity (LS/RNR). LS/RNR is a set of assessment criteria used by public safety organizations to determine an offender's risk of recidivism, and […]


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Women’s Issues

Kafeneio Coffee House 258 West 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

UPAN Monthly Meeting Please come and discuss issues specific to female inmates in Utah. Free and open to the public.
