Residents Are Encouraged to Familiarize Themselves with the Prison Relocation Commission’s Plans
Here is the link to the Prison Relocation Commission’s official website. It covers information regarding Open Houses, Corrections Reform, Possible Impacts, Potential Site Candidates, Master Plan, and various studies. We encourage UPAN supporters to become familiar with this information when approaching your legislators.
Source: Prison Relocation Commission
Questions about the Prison Relocation
There has been a great deal of hyperventilation and consternation regarding the relocation of the Utah State Prison from Draper to one of four possible sites. Most of the criticism, if not all, is of the Not-In-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) variety. Along with these heated feelings come myth and misinformation in an attempt to rationally support an emotional sentiment.

The best policies are based in fact. The best policymakers seek these facts in order to inform their decisions. So, to help inform the public debate and continue a transparent and lively discussion on the future site of the Utah State Prison, here is a fact sheet that will help answer some of the most commonly asked questions.
Download the Utah Prison Relocation FAQ (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
[hrf_faqs category=’FAQ-Prison-Relocation’]