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Special Event: #cut50 5th Annual National Day of Empathy (Virtual Only)

UT, United States

On March 25th, hundreds of activists will meet with elected officials across all 50 states and in Washington, D.C., sharing their experiences and stories, and exemplifying the human consequences of a criminal justice system that has gotten too big, too unfair, and too brutal. Grassroots networks all across the country will be mobilized to spotlight their local efforts and unite under a unified banner to highlight the strength of the criminal justice reform movement. By bringing impacted people and their families together with elected officials and using media and storytelling to share their stories, we can create empathy on a massive scale for millions of Americans behind bars and their loved ones. Free and open to the public. Live stream on Facebook Live will be available.


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family Meeting

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting After a six-month hiatus we're pleased to offer our first virtual monthly meeting format. TONIGHT's UPAN Monthly Meeting will be mainly focused on you: When: Monday, Sept 14, 2020 @ 6:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) What's your experience been like since COVID-19 started? How are your incarcerated loved ones doing? What are your top […]


UDC Focus Meeting – September 2020

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The Utah Department of Corrections invites interested community members to attend Focus, a discussion forum. The next meeting will occur virtually in September. We will share a link to the virtual event on this page in the near future. In the next session, we plan to discuss the New Correctional Facility being built in Salt Lake City, a few miles west of the SLC airport. We're excited to share how this facility will provide opportunities to expand treatment and evidence-based programming, and enable us to move toward direct supervision. Our public forums are an opportunity to engage families and friends of incarcerated individuals, and community members in a dialogue around a specific topic in order to share information and address concerns. Families and friends play such a critical role in an offender's success, and it's important to us that we provide them with the information and resources they need to support their loved one. For questions, please reach out to Kaitlin Felsted, Communications Director, at kefelsted@utah.gov or 801-560-7608. If you have specific questions regarding your incarcerated loved one, or Corrections in general, we encourage you to continue utilizing our public website or contact us at corrections@utah.gov / 801-545-5500.


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: COVID-19 Outbreaks at the Prison

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

At this month's UPAN Meeting we'll have an open discussion about the recent COVID-19 outbreaks at the prisons and jails in Utah. Several guests who were recently released from prison after being incarcerated within some of the sections at the Draper facility that suffered an outbreak of COVID-19 will share their thoughts and experiences. Friends, family members, and supporters of the incarcerated are also invited to share their perspectives on how the pandemic is impacting them and their feelings about the response to the outbreak. Free and open to the public. Virtual Zoom Meeting - Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIocOurrjgtGNA3koOUi21CaBonvIx-1q0O


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Gratitude

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Before we adjourn the UPAN meetings for the year and with the holiday season upon us we'd like to have a discussion about Gratitude. We'd like to take a moment to recognize the things and people that we are grateful for in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Please join us for an open discussion about gratitude as we look towards a future of mutual support and the inspiration of giving to those less fortunate than us. We'll also announce the Holiday Card Contest winners and encourage the public to print and mail a card to an inmate who doesn't have anyone on the outside in order to give them a sense of hope and a feeling that they are not forgotten. Free and open to the public. Virtual Zoom Meeting - Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIocOurrjgtGNA3koOUi21CaBonvIx-1q0O


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family Meeting

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Topic: Family meeting. Topics will be determined by participants. Virtual Zoom Meeting – link is https://bit.ly/2UJ2RA3. If you have subscribed to the UPAN Newsletter list, you will automatically receive an invite. Free and open to the public. Live stream on Facebook Live available. Register Now  


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: Family Meeting

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Please just us for our next UPAN Monthly Meeting via Zoom. We'll be providing some updates on COVID-19 numbers and vaccinations, and the new phone system. Then we'll have an open discussion family meeting. Time: May 10, 2021 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Recurrence: Every second Monday from 6:30 pm […]


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: TBA

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Topics TBA. Held virtually via Zoom until further notice. Free and open to the public. Register Now  


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Topic: New Prison Move / Tour Impressions

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Please join us Monday, May 9th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain Time for our next UPAN monthly meeting. We'll be discussing Mother's Day for the incarcerated, impressions of the new Utah State Correctional Facility tour, programming updates, medical power of attorney form for easier communication with UDC regarding a loved one's […]


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Special Guest: Special Guest Daniel Strong – Director of the Utah Sentencing Commission

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Please join us Monday, June 13th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain Time for our next UPAN monthly meeting. Special Guest Daniel Strong Director of the Utah Sentencing Commission. We'll open up the last half hour of the conversation for open discussion on any topic participants would like to ask. Free and […]


UPAN Monthly Meeting | Special Guests: Fresh Start Ventures

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

UPAN Monthly Meeting Please join us Monday, September 12th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain Time for our next UPAN monthly meeting. Special Guests Linda & Dave Donaldson will talk […]
