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Measuring and Collecting Criminal Justice Data Webinar

Webinar Event

The Mission of Measures for Justice is to to use data to measure and understand county-level criminal justice system performance in all 3,000+ counties across the US. Their data portal aims to measure how the US criminal justice system is faring in three areas: Fair Process, Public Safety, and Fiscal Responsibility. Collecting this data every two years and updating this data regularly will increase its efficacy and usefulness to people who are directly impacted by the CJ system, organizations working to reform the system, and government agencies. It also has the potential to help solve long standing and newly developed criminal justice challenges. Currently, there is a gap in criminal justice data because of records being kept locally, and not measuring the same issues. Measures for justice will seek to provide context for responsible data interpretation, which will hopefully stem use of inaccurate or incomplete sources in trying to identify problems and solutions related to mass incarceration.

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Cyber Lobbying 101

ACLU of Utah 355 North 300 West, Salt Lake City

Do you want to engage on important issues during the upcoming 2018 Utah Legislative Session? Check out this special training from the ACLU of Utah. Does your schedule prevent you from coming to the Utah Capitol--but you still want to be an activist? Then the ACLU of Utah's CyberLobbying 101 Workshop is for you.
