We have been asked questions about rumors about video visiting being implemented in the Utah State Prison system. According to Rollin Cook, Director of the Utah Department of Corrections, and the one who will have the final say on this, as long as he has anything to do with this, the established methods of visiting (contact, barrier) within Draper and Gunnison will remain, … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2015
What’s next in prison relocation? Utahns have their turn to speak | The Salt Lake Tribune
Source: What's next in prison relocation? Utahns have their turn to speak | The Salt Lake Tribune The Prison Relocation Commission's (PRC) next formal meeting has been set for June 16th, and will allow public comments on the steps of the Utah State Capitol at 6:00 pm. We encourage UPAN members to attend in solidarity to voice any concerns. … [Read more...]
The state prison move: a look at two sites in Utah County | The Salt Lake Tribune
Source: The state prison move: a look at two sites in Utah County | The Salt Lake Tribune … [Read more...]